The main objective of the Finance Committee is to work toward the financial revitalization of the parish. The Finance Committee is charged with stabilizing the financial life of the parish. Members also work with our Fundraising Committee to achieve this goal. Aside from other events and initiatives, they work closely to organize the Annual Parish Feast and Harvest Event.
Our goal as a parish community is to make sure our parish remains open, vital, and viable to our community. One way of achieving this goal is increase in membership as evidenced in sacramental participation especially in Mass attendance. The Outreach Committee shoulders this responsibility. They will begin a door to door campaign of visiting neighbors and encouraging them back to their sacramental life.
Fundraising in our parish takes on a variety of faces. This committee brings to life ideas that are suggested by parishioners and developed by its members such as flea markets, dances, raffles, bake sales, etc. Bulletin advertisements also help raise funds for the parish, as well as bring awareness to the business ventures of our parishioners and neighboring businesses.
Nativity Parish’s Spiritual Life Committee is not one organization but a myriad of groups that help reinforce a practical connection to our faith, outside of Sunday and Weekly Masses
Parish Council / Consilio Parroquial
(comprised of parishioners representing all the different parish communities to discuss parish affairs and plan initiatives under the guidance of the pastor.)
Elected Council Officers
Chairman- Maureen Webb
Vice-Chairman- Uzo Chibuko
Secretary- Edna Augusta ; Assistant Secretary- Patrick Enweronye
Assistant Finance Secretary- Rodger Taft
Altar Rosary Society / Sociedad del Altar y Rosario
(meets every Saturday after 9am Mass and Rosary/ Se reune despues de la Misa y el Rosario los Sabados)
Grupo Guadalupano / Guadalupe Group
(meets every Friday to bring to an image of our Lady of Guadalupe to neighborhood families. The group also coordinates the annual parish celebration in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December. /se reúne todos los viernes para presentar una imagen de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a las familias del vecindario. El grupo también coordina la celebración anual de la parroquia en Honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en diciembre.
Nativity Youth Group / Grupo de Jovenes
Nativity Kids Group/ Grupo de Ninos
(meets every other Saturday 12pm-2pm Contact Edna Augusta (917-346-5378/(Se Reune cada dos semanas los sabados 12pm-2pm) Contacte: Edna Augusta (917-346-5378)
Parish Lector / Lectores de la Parroquia
(Lectors proclaim the Word at all Masses (Sundays and during the weekday Masses). Please contact the Rectory to express your desire to join the group. (Los lectores proclaman la Palabra en todas las Misas (los domingos y durante las Misas de lunes a viernes). Comuníquese con la Rectoría para expresar su deseo de unirse al grupo.